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Upcoming Events
What Events are Coming to the Venue Next?
Auburn University - Lambda Chi Alpha Lawn has 0 events scheduled at the moment. This includes performances by %NextPerformer:Performer% as well as %LastPerformer:Performer%.
How Much are Tickets?
A ticket's price can differ depending on the event, the date, and the location of your seat at Auburn University - Lambda Chi Alpha Lawn in Auburn, AL. The average price for this venue is $120 and spans from a low of 10 to a high of $1000. Ticket prices and seat locations can be sorted and filtered by choosing your specific event.
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What is the Location of the Venue?
Auburn University - Lambda Chi Alpha Lawn and its ticket box office are at 266 West Magnolia Ave, Auburn, AL, and 36832.
Interactive Seating Chart
Use your Auburn University - Lambda Chi Alpha Lawn Seating Chart to easily choose the best seats for events in Auburn.